Breast Reduction

Large breasts—often not proportional to the body—can affect people in a number of ways. Some women find they are unable to exercise effectively; others experience back and shoulder pain. Many women with large breasts also experience skin irritations under the breasts where moisture can develop and may have grooves on the shoulders from bra straps. 

A surgical procedure to reduce breast size can solve some health problems and create a more proportional body shape.

Scar Location

Most often, the scar resulting from breast reduction surgery is located around the areola, down the center of the breast to the fold and in the breast fold. Other options are possible and can be discussed with your surgeon.

Recovery After Breast Reduction Surgery

Most people report that pain and swelling are most present in the first week or two after surgery. We will ask you to refrain from lifting heavy objects or resuming your work-out routine for four to six weeks after surgery. Swelling continues to abate during the first three months, and you’ll be able to realize the full effect of the surgery in the first year.

Why Choose Us?

Our board-certified surgeons have the experience and expertise to ensure that your goals for breast reduction are met. Working together, you and your surgeon will discuss the options available and devise a treatment plan that focuses on your specific needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will my insurance cover breast reduction surgery?

In many cases, the answer is yes. However, insurance coverage often requires that the surgery is medically necessary. We’ll work with you to help meet your insurance requirements if possible. Breast reduction surgery can also be performed as an aesthetic surgery to improve appearance; in such instances, insurance will not cover the cost.

Does breast reduction surgery affect the ability to breastfeed?

Most breast reduction techniques keep breast ducts intact, which means breastfeeding after surgery is possible. Because some women have difficulty breastfeeding without breast surgery and others have no difficulty with breast surgery, it’s difficult to predict the results.

Can I sleep on my stomach after surgery?

Some surgeons will tell you that sleeping on your stomach is fine. We typically recommend that you sleep on your back for six weeks after surgery.

What else do I need to know about breast reduction surgery?

Every woman’s breasts are asymmetric, and a breast reduction procedure will not correct every asymmetry. After surgery, your breasts will be similar in size but will still have some slight differences.

If I have breast reduction surgery, will I also need a breast lift?

Often, we do combine these two procedures to achieve the best results. In a breast lift, the nipple and areola are relocated to fit the new breast shape.

Will I lose sensation in my nipples?

Yes, it is possible to have nipple and areola numbness after breast reduction surgery. This condition may ease over time, or it may not. For some people, the nipple and areola may feel more sensitive after surgery for a period.

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